Import from Finale Notepad 2007

• Apr 12, 2010 - 22:02

I just downloaded and installed MuseScore. I have music that I've composed using Finale Notepad 2007. Is there any way to import a ".mus" file created in Notepad 2007 into MuseScore? If there isn't a way to do this using MuseScore alone, does anyone know whether if I spend the $10 to get the newest version of Notepad, it will allow me to open my .mus files and save them in a format that I can then open in MuseScore?


.mus is a closed, proprietary format and cannot be opened by MuseScore (or any other current software I know of outside of Finale 2007 or later). If you only have one or two files I wouldn't mind creating MusicXML files for you (which can be opened by MuseScore and over 100 other music notation programs). If you have many files maybe it is worth it to get newest versions of Finale Notepad. Finale has announce that Finale Notepad 2009 supports MusicXML .

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