Play the whole chord when you add a new note

• Apr 13, 2010 - 07:37
S5 - Suggestion

When entering notes in note-entry, a note is sounded when it is entered. For example, when I type "c", the pitch C will sound. However, when a chord tone is added to the current note(s), no sound occurs. For example, typing "cE" will generate the sound for "c" but not for "E".

It would be very useful for data entry feedback if the E pitch was sounded when the "E" was pressed to add the note to the chord.

It may also be very useful to instead play all of the pitches found in the chord to which the note was added so that the structure of the chord can be heard without having to look at the screen for visual feedback. For example, if the sequence "cEG" were typed, then on "c" the note C would sound, when "E" is typed, then the notes C and E would sound together, and when "G" were typed, the notes C, E, and G would sound together.


Posseggo MAC PRO con snow leopard 10.6.3 + impianto audio supplementare Logitech digitale/ottico e non riesco a convertire l'audio dall' uscita integrata ( altoparlante interno) all'uscita digitale integrata,pur avendola attivata. sono convinto e sicuro che dipenda dal programma. Chi ne sa qualcosa?? Anticipatamente grazie