lasconic recorder fingerin plugin

• Apr 4, 2015 - 15:59

Hi everybody,
I saw there is a post yet on this subject but it's old so I think is better to star a new one...
As a music teacher I would need the recorder plugin to make my pupils studying easier.
I downloaded the plugin at the following link

and I followed the instructions but I can't succeed nor in my mac mini neither in my old macbook (osx 10.6..8) while I could use it on my old windows xp acer laptop.
Any advice? Are there known issues with this plugin?
I need german fingering for soprano recorder (flauto dolce, in italian)

Thanx everybody for helping me!



In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Hi lasconic hi jojo,
I'm using both osx 10.6.8. (on macbook) with version 1.2 and mavericks (on mac mini) with version 2.0.
I copied the recorder.ttf in the font folder, following instructions, but I had no results...
Thank you for answering and happy Easter... :-)

In reply to by Remco


I used MuseScore 2.0.1 when I still had Windows XP on my old PC (today I use Lubuntu in that PC), and that plugin didn't work.

But, with Windows, you can copy the Lasconic recorder fingering font, from the "lasconic" plug-in folder, at "Plug-in" folder, at "MuseScore" folder, to the Windows Fonts folder. Re-open MuseScore and you will be able to use that font as lyrics text into MuseScore.

The "Z" character on the keyboard, will be the low C fingering, The "X" character, will be the low D, and so and on.

The only issue is about the B note (low and high) fingering (because appears an empty vertical rectangle over the fingering scheme, I don't know why).

I don't know if it is useful with Mac. Sorry!!!



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