lasconic recorder fingerin plugin
Hi everybody,
I saw there is a post yet on this subject but it's old so I think is better to star a new one...
As a music teacher I would need the recorder plugin to make my pupils studying easier.
I downloaded the plugin at the following link
and I followed the instructions but I can't succeed nor in my mac mini neither in my old macbook (osx 10.6..8) while I could use it on my old windows xp acer laptop.
Any advice? Are there known issues with this plugin?
I need german fingering for soprano recorder (flauto dolce, in italian)
Thanx everybody for helping me!
Which version of MuseScore are you using?
In reply to Which version of MuseScore by [DELETED] 5
OS X 10.6, so it won't be MuseScore 2.0...
In reply to OS X 10.6, so it won't be by Jojo-Schmitz
Hi lasconic hi jojo,
I'm using both osx 10.6.8. (on macbook) with version 1.2 and mavericks (on mac mini) with version 2.0.
I copied the recorder.ttf in the font folder, following instructions, but I had no results...
Thank you for answering and happy Easter... :-)
In reply to Hi lasconic hi jojo, I'm by arfo
The plugin won't work in MuseScore 2.0 (hasn't yet been ported to it), but should in 1.2.
In reply to The plugin won't work in by Jojo-Schmitz
I suppose... But it doesn't and and I'm trying to understand why not...
I've probably done some mistake but what?
The font is visible in the font book, and so the plugin in the program menu but...
What could I check?
In reply to I suppose... But it doesn't by arfo
you could switch on the script debugger (in the Help menu) and step thru the plugin's code?
In reply to you could switch on the by Jojo-Schmitz
I'm afraid I'm not able... I'm just a musich teacher... :-)
In reply to The plugin won't work in by Jojo-Schmitz
Any ideas on poring it to MuseScore 2?
As I could use something like this for fingering for pennywhistle as well.
In reply to Any ideas on poring it to by Remco
I used MuseScore 2.0.1 when I still had Windows XP on my old PC (today I use Lubuntu in that PC), and that plugin didn't work.
But, with Windows, you can copy the Lasconic recorder fingering font, from the "lasconic" plug-in folder, at "Plug-in" folder, at "MuseScore" folder, to the Windows Fonts folder. Re-open MuseScore and you will be able to use that font as lyrics text into MuseScore.
The "Z" character on the keyboard, will be the low C fingering, The "X" character, will be the low D, and so and on.
The only issue is about the B note (low and high) fingering (because appears an empty vertical rectangle over the fingering scheme, I don't know why).
I don't know if it is useful with Mac. Sorry!!!