Tutorial and/or help for android

• Apr 9, 2015 - 10:32
S5 - Suggestion


I've just installed Musescore on my android tablet, but can't get much beyond the initial splash screen.and the 'next 'Discover' scrren.

What I want to do is to import a music xml file I've saved in a folder on my DropBox, but can't see how I tell the Discover/search to look in my DropBox.

The only other thing I seem able to do is tap the top left bit of the screen to get the Discover / My Scores / My Favourite options but these just give me 'No results'.

Is there a tutorial - or help - anywhere on how to operate Musescore from a tablet?

Of course, once I've mastered this, I'll want to transpose the tune into a different key, and then start writing new tunes on the tablet, so will need help /tutorials on those topics....

Apologies if this is the wrong place to raise this issue. I did happen, a few screens back, on the dedicated Musescore / Android forum, but can't get back to it or find it again.

Regards, jabu4711


1/ MuseScore on android comes into flavor "MuseScore" the free version, and "MuseScore songbook" the paid version. Both versions let you connect to MuseScore.Com, search for scores and display them, play them, transpose, change the volume of instruments, metronome etc... The paid version adds the ability to save scores for offline usage and let you open *MuseScore files* from dropbox, google drive, email etc...

2/ The apps on Android can't open a MusicXML file. You need to download MuseScore on a PC or Mac to open the MusicXML file and save to MSCZ format.

3/ The apps on android do not provide any editing facility.

4/ My Scores displays the scores you saved online on musescore.com. Favorites the one you favorited.

5/ Questions about the android app are better suited here https://musescore.com/groups/musescore-android