Create Songbook PDF with Title Page, Pagenumbers, clickable Table-of-Contents and PDF-Bookmarks

• Apr 30, 2015 - 21:24


perhaps some of you might find this free tool useful.

LibreOfficeSongbookArchitect(LOSA) is a LibreOffice/OpenOffice Document with embedded Macro and Toolbar that helps you to create a PDF with page numbers, clickable Table-of-Contents (TOC) and PDF-Bookmarks in an easy and comfortable way. Being a LibreOffice document it provides full control over page-layout.


Just little update info (for those who want to have uptodate version)
-important!: fixed wrong message about missing PDFtk although it is installed
-fixed crash when having illustration index
-added little tool "svgfonts2paths" for single svgs (in the hidden buttons of toolbar)

In reply to by musikai

about svgs:
If you want to import your scores in svg format, you can't use the exported svgs from musescore because ms doesn't export every page to a different svg but all to one large svg.
LOSA can convert PDFs to svgs either with inkscape or with poppler. Inkscape needs the mscore font installed, and I think Musescore 2 doesn't install any font.
So better use poppler. (disadvantage: huge filesize)

(Or install PDFtk and directly use the pdfs without converting)

Is there a downloadable Musecore 2 font anywhere?

In reply to by musikai

here are the musescore fonts:

With them installed one can easily convert any musescore pdf to svgs (using LOSA with Inkscape) and get a nice small result pdf. (I tested it with mscore.otf)

(I even thought of writing a converter to split the musescore svg to single page svgs but this would only be an ugly workaround. I'm sure Musecore's svg export will be improved someday)

In reply to by musikai

Installing those fonts may, and probably will, create problems later, on Linux and Windows at least (where these fonts are built in to MuseScore), when those fonts get changed in newer version of MuseScore as then not these new built-in fonts are getting used but the installed (and by then outdated) ones.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Yes, for musescorers it's better to let LOSA multistamp the pdfs via PDFtk or convert to svg via poppler. poppler converts the embedded fonts to vector glyphs. Not always perfectly.

Replaced PicOsize and PicOsizeAll Buttons with:
Set Size, Anchor, Alignment, TextWrap of a single selected image or if no image is selected then all images at once.


In reply to by musikai

Set independently Size, Cropping, Anchor, Alignment, TextWrap of a single selected image, all images within a selection or all images (if nothing selected). Images can be filtered by name and skipped by pattern: positive numbers means "do", negative "skip".


In reply to by musikai

PicTool is now complete. Ultimative tool.

Set independently Size, Cropping, Anchor, Alignment, TextWrap of a single selected image, all images within a selection or all images (if nothing selected). Images can be filtered by name and skipped by repeated pattern: 1 means "do", 0 or any other number "skip". For example 001 means only process every 3rd image. Images can also be resized only down or only up to new Size by using "up/down"-CheckBoxes. For example "down" means only scale down images that are greater than the new Size.

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