chordname size not copied correctly

• Jun 13, 2010 - 11:48


Windows XP pro
Nightly R3137

In any score mark a note, ctrl+K, write a chord symbol. Click in the score to finish.
Right click the new chord and change the size of the font. finish.
Now copy the whole bar with the chord to another bar. Chordname font size is back to original. Same problem if you make the symbol bold.



further to above..

If you then try to change text size on the chord that has been pasted - it disappears !


Glad it isn't just me. The chords disappear if you try to change them by selecting Text Properties on the specific chord. If you go to Text Styles to change the font/size etc. it doesn't do anything for the chord. It also didn't change the Composer info either. It almost appears that the Text Style settings are ignored. 0.9.5 worked a lot better. The problem in it was that if you changed the font in the lyrics, you ended up with a mix of fonts and sizes, but at least it didn't disappear. To recreate the issue, simply add a Chordname (e.g. C) then try to change the font/size via either right mouse click and "Text Properties" or via Edit Text Style. If you double click on the chordname, you can change the properties, but it also moves it closer to the stave.
Noticed that if I change it via double click and use the font bar at the bottom of the screen, the font does change. I did this, saved the file, exited Musescore, came back in the next day and opened the file again and it had reverted to the original font size.
Running on Windows Vista Home Premium 64 bit SP2.



I take this up again.

I just spent a lot of time changing some chord font in a score.
Then when I created parts for each instrument all the chords was written in the original size in the parts.

Really hope something can be done about this issue.


In reply to by ph

the real problem is that the default font is not properly set. Go to >Style>Text Style>Chordname. There you can set the size and other attributes.

When you change one chordname, the program doesn't understand that you want all of them changed.


In reply to by xavierjazz

I know how to change the text style. Maybe I do no explain it clearly enough.

I have the size of the chordname I normally want. But sometimes I want to change some of them somewhere in the score (and not necessarily for all instruments). I do that and save. Then when I create the part for the specific instrument, this part comes out with the chordname in the default size, even if I changed it in the score.


In reply to by ph

FWIW, I am seeing similar problems in the 1.0.0 prelease. It's not just that changing the chordname text style doesn't affect existing chords; I get that. It's that selecting a chord and changing the text style of that chord (eg, right click, Text Properties) produces totally wrong results. The chord might just disappear, it might move to a different place on the page, it might get into a state where the chord still displays but is no longer selectable, etc - but it definitely does not work correctly. Sometimes if you then save and close the file then reload it, things look better, but I'm finding it impossible to get chords on a tune I just entered to look right after deciding the initial entry was too big and too high up. All my attempts to select all chords and change size or position results in just plain weird behavior.

I had this kind of question when I first started using Musescore. The music I play has two sets of chords, melody and accompaniment, and the accompaniment is written above the melody chords, is larger and in bold.

What I had to do was make a regular text box and put my accompaniment chords in that then move the textbox around to line it up. If you do not neet to hear the chord in Musescore, this might work for you.

One thing to remember though, if you decide to transpose your score to a different key, those chords in the text box will not automatically transpose like the chord boxes will.

Hope this helps.

In reply to by thafrogggg

Thanks for the suggestion, but

a) I *always* end up transposing my music for both Bb and Eb instruments
b) I depend on chords displaying in a particular and more readable format than one can obtain using plain text

To reproduce what I'm seeing, just enter a string of chords for any piece, then select some of them, right click, hit Text Properties, and try to resize them. Or adjust their vertical position. Neither actually works correctly - the chords either vanish or move somewhere entirely different than you'd expect. Saving the file and re-opening it sometimes sets things right. Oh, one other curious and possibly related thing - I set my chordname font to MuseJazz 12 point in Text Styles, but when using jazzchords.xml, the recognized chords keep reporting as 13 point. I don't see anything in jazzchords.xml that should be changing font size.

BTW, once I have things the way I like them, I expect to not resize chords often. But moving them in groups would be a very common thing. Any default distance I choose would not be appropriate at all times. Sometimes, I want chords lowered for an entire tune; sometimes it's just one system where I need them higher. What I wish was that you could select the chords you want moved (which is easy enough) and then use the arrow keys to nudge them. Or click and drag them all at once. But neither seems possible - arrows do nothing, dragging erases the selection and drags only the chord you clicked when starting the drag (Windows Vista, anyhow). That's why I'm resorting to the Text Properties dialog in the first place.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Yes, I realize that is is how it *should* work. My point is, it is broken - doing that *does not* work. As I said, attempting to do either of those things results in the chords vanishing or else moving somewhere other than where you just tried to move them. It's not 100% predictable as to what *exactly* will go wrong (although I can predict with virtually 100% certainly it won't work correctly, ever). But *most* of the time, an attempt at resizing will have either no effect or else will result in the chords vanishing, while an attempt at giving chords a slight nudge (by say, changing the Y position parameters by a fraction of a millimeter) will move them down all the way on top of the staff.

As I said, saving the file, closing, and opening it again *usually* causes the chords to display properly, but that's not predictable, either. It seems that if you attempted a size change that had no effect, it will often remain ineffective even after a save/close/open cycle.

This is with 1.0.0 pre2

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Yes, I have had that exact behavior happen when trying to resize or move the chords. They just disappear.

I am thinking that it is tied to the default text style for settings for chords, but that is only a really wild guess. That is the reason I tinkered with the default settings to have my melody chords placed where I want them. Then I added the other chords above the melody chord line. That way, I do not have that much to manually edit if I transpose.

I basically made a blank default template, but then again I am making music for autoharp playing which is typicaly only the melody notes taken from a song and adding the chords at the top of the staves.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I still have the problem with the chords disappearing. I have created a screen movie showing exactly what happens. I open an existing score (melody line + lyrics + chords) and select a chordname. I then select Text Properties and try to change the text size from 12 pt to 13 pt. When I click on OK, the chord disappears. If I select the apply to all checkbox, all the chords then disappear. I have also attached the Musescore script I used.
This is using Musescore V1.0 Rev 3996 on a Windows Vista 64bit system.

Attachment Size 1.64 MB

In reply to by jamesthepiper

Yeah, there was no change to this going into 1.0. The situation is much improved in the nightly builds for the next major version, it seems.

BTW, while changing the font in 1.0 makes the chords disappear or move, as soon as you save the file, close it, and reopen it, you see that actually *no* change was made - they are back to the size specified in the text style. So this suggests a workaround - don't use text properties, but use text style instead. It will *appear* to have no effect, but if you save, close, and re-open the document, you'll get what you want. My advice is to get the chord size the way you like it, then save that as part of your template.

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