Need to find music

• May 21, 2015 - 03:56

After performing a 7 piece concert, all of which were composed by males, I asked my bd if at the next concert we could do a song composed by a woman. Much to my dismay, he said that he does not have any music at our level that fits this criteria. But he also said that if I could find a piece we may perform it. Have any of you composed or know of a woman who has composed a concert band score at an early high school level? This is really important to me. Thanks!


Hi Larrie

Can you let me know what instruments would be involved? I wrote a piece called Valentine Loch which, although I wrote many years previously came out and was performed when I was studying Drama. Two lovely little old ladies came down out of the audience and said it was the most beautiful haunting melody they had ever heard. I originally wrote it for the violins on a keyboard, however I am at the moment putting it together for a piano and viola on Musescore. Please let me know what other instruments would be involved. Can you also let me know how long you would like it to be, it is quite a short piece at the moment, but I could very easily grow it.

Kind regards


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