Note input broken for Percussion staff in 0.9.6
Steps to reproduce:
- create a new Score, Drum Set 5 Lines
- activate Note input: select any note type
- mouse input does not work, unable to place notes
- Key 'C' will enter a F Note (Base Drum), near bottom line
- Key 'D' will enter a F Note ( Hi Hat), at top Line
- Key R works unpredictable, enter 'D' 'R' will place a hi hat and a base note.
Other Note keys show no reaction.
Read Drum notation .
- To use the mouse, open the drum palette and choose your instrument first.
- Only C and D are mapped in the default drumset, you can define more by right clicking the staff -> Edit drumset. As a first improvement, we could define more default keys. Any idea? Open a discussion in the forum
- Regarding R, it sounds like a bug. I added a bug report : #6283: R key does not work as expected in drum staff
I don't know why this is closed... it is still broken. There is no choice of instrument in the drum palette. There is just a single quarter note....
Did you select a rest in a drum staff first?
Yes, I did that. Still broken.
dwang for support question please use the forums instead of the issue tracker:
Hi David Bolton,
This is a bug, not a support issue. I have found other ways to enter percussion notes, which involve cutting and pasting into the percussion staff. But I'm sure what I am seeing is not the intended behavior.
To reproduce this bug:
1) Select a whole rest in the percussion staff
2) Select an eighth note in the note entry palette -> the whole rest is converted into a bunch of rests, starting with an eighth rest
3) Click on the whole note in the drum palette. -> I hear a noise, but nothing changes in the score
4) Click 7 more times. -> Finally, a quarter note appears on the 8th click
dwagn, let's keep the discussion in one thread please:
Reopening. This is a bug, and therefore should be in a bug report, not another thread.
Please see a video of this bug here:
Although I sympathize with your situation, the standard for bugs in the issue tracker is they have to be reproducible by developers in order to be useful. Drum notation is working for the developers. The original report is about a different bug.
It looks like several people are going above and beyond to help you on the forums. This is the last time I am closing this bug before asking for mediation. Reopening this bug without prior discussion and permission is not helpful to you or the MuseScore project.