Score loading issue

• Jun 10, 2015 - 02:14

So i was working on my first composition, I was wrapping it up for the night and than saved and closed. the next day i loaded the score, and I played it. I was really mad when i saw that my score was somehow undone to when i had started making it. Can anyone tell me how to fix this bug? Also, Did anyone else have this problem? I created this score on 2.0.1


It's really, really difficult to offer any help based on things like "my score was somehow undone to when i had started making it." I'm not sure if I understand you correctly, but I sort of gather that you created a score, worked on it, saved it, reopened it, worked on it, and saved it before the occasion you're talking about, when you opened it and found it was the same as when you had saved it two times ago. Right? How did you try to reopen it this time? Was it from the list of recent files in MuseScore's Start Center, or by double-clicking the file on your system? Two major things come to mind. One is that you may have simply saved the score to a different location on your file system, and so you're opening the old version and it doesn't have your changes because the one with your changes in it is a different file. The other is that you might actually have clicked the wrong button when MuseScore asked you if you wanted to save your changes.

It's definitely not a bug unless you can reproduce it. If you can, please attach the score you're having problems with here with precise instructions to reproduce the issue.

In reply to by TrombonesKickBrass

"i remember it doing the exact same thing when i got half way through the song." Is it an issue with saving, or an issue with playback? As Shoichi pointed out, in the file you posted there was an issue with the tempo setting which, at least for me, prevented it from playing until I deleted it. Then it played fine. I changed the key as an experiment and saved it. When I reopened it, it was exactly as I had saved it—the tempo was deleted and the key signature was changed. Can you be more specific about exactly what it was you lost, and what you were trying to do?

In reply to by Isaac Weiss

The file i posted was the wrong file. I deleted the other one because i was really mad. try this: 1.create a new score add anything you want.
2.add notes until you get to more than half way through the score.
3.Save it.
4.Close musescore than open musescore than open the file at the start center.
Repeat steps 3 and 4 a few times.
I think this was what happened with the other two scores.
This is an issue with saving.

In reply to by TrombonesKickBrass

I've saved literally hundreds of scores and never seen a problem. I think it's more likely there is some simple misunderstanding here, like you saved to a different folder than you intended. So you might try looking in other folders for the score you saved.

But if you find a set of steps that reliably reproduce a problem, do post it here.

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