problem with updating after having installed the beta
He there,
as I was a bit impatient to get the net 2.0 features of musescore and so I had to install the beta version in January. I did it as described here:…
Which installs fa50560
When I now try to update to 2.0.1 via apt or the software-center nothing seems to change. I still get fa50560 So even after the update I seem to have the beta version installed.
I'm sure the problem is a specific blindness on my side. But can anybody shed some light in this puzzle?
Thanks a lot in advance,
The beta version wouldn't be uninstalled by the update - 2.0.1 should have no specific knowledge of the beta at all as far as I know. As far as I know, it's a completely different program that happens to have a lot of the same letters in its name :-). So most likely, you have both versions installed, just in different locations. Are you saying you try to run it, go to Help / About, and it still reports that version number? If so, I'm guessing you are simply running the wrong version. How are you trying to run it? Command line, a program icon, or what? Maybe try hunting for the newly installed version and be sure to run that explicitly.
In reply to The beta version wouldn't be by Marc Sabatella
Dear Mark.
thanks for your advices. Which were very helpful.
After deleting all Musescore and mscore -files manually and installing via apt I got now at least 2.0.0
I think I'm back on the track again. Thanks!