8va Problems (MS 2.0.1)

• Jun 12, 2015 - 18:40

When creating a new 8va (ottava), changing its text only affects the first line. If the 8va continues, the text is not affected, even if it's edited.

Additionally, the 8va sometimes doesn't affect one measure or another, leaving the notes at their default pitch.

Suggestion: make the 8va text say "8va" instead of the default "8", since it's (probably) more appealing to the music community.

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The text of the continuation line is affected if you edit that text - notice there are separate entries for the Begin, Continue, and End text in the Line Properties dialog, so you have independent control over them. This also allows you to put the continuation text in parentheses if you wish, as some editors do.

As mentioned, you can customzie the palettes. As for which should be the default, my read of the published literature is that the "8" by itself is probably somewhat more common, although obviously both get used a lot.

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