Crash - nonfunctioning .mscz file, absence of recent updated .mscz, file

• Jul 25, 2010 - 11:25
S5 - Suggestion

These are the files I am left with after a 3 hour session updating the score (the second file is the last saved result):
.Racing down to Christchurch 16v1v2upgplusVC.mscz, 20 Kb 24/7/2010 12:33 am
Racing down to Christchurch 16v1v2upgplusVC.mscz 21Kb 24/7/2010 10:01 pm

Muscore opens and works OK with other files, but crashes when loading the file when:
a. I say OK to restore this session (this has worked in the past for me)
b. When try to open the .mscz file from menu option in running Muscore
c. When I double-click on the .mscz file in its folder with Muscore not running

I am used to seeing .mscz, file at a much closer time than this. I'd been updating and saving regularly up to 10:01 pm (though it might have been some time 15-20 minutes of work that had been in progress when it crashed initially) .

Have I lost this work?


0.9.6 rev 3145. Will update, but ...
... double click on the file name I uploaded in this Issues section boots up MuseScore and the file no probs, as you say --
.. double click on the file name in its C drive directory and MuseScore boots up until it is about to generate a Window - then it crashes and everything hangs. Yet I can open other mscz files with this.

But the filename has changed - it has _0_0.mscz - the _0_0 is missing from my original.

Anyway, I'll install the update tomorrow and hopefully sign this off.
Thanks for your help. I hope to help in more generally constructive ways in future now I have an insight into what you Cheers

Status (old) needs info closed

I close this issue. Create a post in the forum for future support request or open a new issue if you have steps to reproduce the problem.
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Status (old) closed needs info

hi - i can't open my mscz file after upgrading the musescore 0.9.6 version from 0.9.5. pls advise. thanks.