[trunk, r. 3314] Can't compile under Ubuntu (missing font?)
Just updated to SVN r. 3314; SVN report includes the following lines:D mscore/mscore/fonts/DejaVuSerif.ttf
D mscore/mscore/fonts/DejaVuSans.ttf
A mscore/mscore/fonts/FreeSans.ttf
A mscore/mscore/fonts/FreeSerif.ttf
which seems to imply that DejaVu fonts have been replaced by Free fonts.
When I compile under Ubuntu 10.04 with Qt SDK 10.02 (Qt Creator 1.3.1), I get the following error message: *** No rule to make target `/home/mmg/Documents/Projects/musescore/mscore/mscore/mscore/fonts/DejaVuSerif.ttf', needed by `mscore/qrc_mscore.cxx'. Stop.
Even a "Rebuild all" led to the same error.
I use the CMake-based project feature of Qt Creator (the only way I found to use Qt debugging support). Does something need to be changed in the build configuration? (Sorry, but I never managed to really understand how to work with CMake...!).
I think you have a cache file somewhere. Try to run make clean and make release from the command line.
Yes, it was a cache of some sort.
I remembered I had something of this kind under Windows (see this post ), I deleted the CMakeList.txt.user created by Qt Creator parallel to the main CMakeList.txt, this forced a re-run of CMake and then everything compiled normally.
(I changed the "active" status to "fixed": I don't know if it is appropriate, as it was not actually a bug!)
It's appropriate. Thanks for your detailed solution.