Some examples

• Jul 27, 2010 - 14:04

I am a very new user of MuseScore and am delighted with this tool. While my primary use of it is in typesetting and transposing recorder music to make f-fingering music available to people who only know the c-fingerings, I find the synthesizer/creative functions wonderful. The attached files are all my own work and illustrate some of of the wonderful sounds the program can create. For the record, I used 9.6 with the fluid sound font on Windows 7 to create them.

File Two is just some random notes with a bit of counterpoint added.

The other two files reflect my discovery of the closeness of the three melodies -- Simple Gifts, The Parting Glass, and White Choral Bells.

Many thanks to the creators of MuseScore for this fine tool.

Attachment Size
SimpleGifts.mscz 4.88 KB
PartingGlass.mscz 4.71 KB
Two.mscz 2.53 KB


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