Making a note small seems to affect other notes on the staff

• Jun 24, 2015 - 20:29

See attached file.

Detailed instructions are within file. Select a downstem cross-head note in the last bar of first system. Make the notehead "small" in the chord section of the Inspector. Toggle the effect and notice any changes in appearance in the same staff. Experiment with other notes.

I noticed small, unexpected changes in notehead positions, notes moving closer to their stems etc on the same staff. It may be just an artifact or something else …

The other related issue is why are cross-noteheads so small in TAB. Can they be made any larger?

Attachment Size
small_note_effects.mscz 20.09 KB


Making a note small means less space is required between that note and the next note, which in turn means that measure doesn't need to be as wide, which affects the stretching of other measures on the same system. This is normal. I think the fact that noteheads sometimes seem to move separately from stems is probably just anti-aliasing artifacts at certian screen resolution / magnification settings, and/or differences in floating point rounding. You can see similar artifacts with other small changes, like changing the leading/trailing space figure in the Segment section for the same chord (which is really doing the same thing in terms of spacing).

As for the notehead size, I assume that's a matter of the font, and that the "x" shape within that font was just set up that size.

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