Applying 8va and playback

• Jun 26, 2015 - 12:46

See attached file?

Is 8va playback supported? I can't get it to work in the attached file. Is it possible to allow 8va playback of individual notes.

Attachment Size
8va_and_mute_tab.mscz 11.62 KB


Yes playback of 8va is supported and works on a single note if you use a standard staff.
In the case of standard staff linked to tab, the tab is played currently (in 2.0.1) and 8va are not supported in tabs so it will not play... 2.0.2 will play the standard staff and it should work.

So how is 8va applied for single notes as there isn't currently a dedicated symbol. Will you be able to use staff text?

In reply to by geetar

Specifically, the "fix to line" is to control which line the slash marks appear on. It is then "fixed" in that it won't be affected by transposition. It's not something that most people would normally set themselves; the slash notation commands handle this for you. But it's provided as an override for people who wish to do non-standard things.

Apply the 8---¬ then [Shift][left-arrow] to shrink it to one chord duration. In in Inspector, un-check "Numbers only" and "Line visible"

You can mute TAB notes by right-click, Select All Similar Elements in Same Stave and un-checking the Play box in Inspector.

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