Can't apply glissando to last note of triplet series

• Jun 27, 2015 - 19:26

See attached file:

Select the last note of the triplet and try to apply the glissando line (marked "gliss") from the "arpeggios and glissandos" palette. Nothing happens!

Attachment Size
cant_apply_gliss.mscz 7.94 KB


Well, I don't understand what happens for now.
I can reproduce with your file, but not from scratch.
And not also after deleting (Ctrl + Del) the second measure of your file, and re-entering the same notes. As you can see : 1cant_apply_gliss.mscz

A particular maneuver, or a sequence of operations whose you would remember?

Apparently, that note already has a glissando, but for some reason it isn't displaying. Delete the note and add it back again and you can add another glissando normally.

It would indeed be good to undersatand how the occurred in the first place. Perhaps you had a gliss there, delete the note it led to, re-added it, something along those lines?

In reply to by geetar

Not that I can see in limited testing, and in fact, I do remember quite a bit of back and forth bug fixing last summer before the first beta with those other spanners until it finally worked correctly. Glissandi, while related to those other "spanners" (the collective term for these lines), are implemented somewhat differently, and those changes were made *after* the beta.

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