can't open my .mscz file

• Aug 9, 2010 - 17:19

hi - where can i find the download file to musescore 0.9.5 version? i can't open my ".mscz" file using the new 0.9.6 version. pls advise. thanks.
(my score is attached)

Attachment Size
Still.mscz 2.23 KB


I don't have any problem opening the file you attached with on Windows. Do you use windows or mac?
Find attached your file, I just open it, and save it again.

If you insist to use MuseScore 0.9.5 you can find it here

Nice composition btw ;)

Attachment Size
Still.mscz 2.64 KB

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

thanks for re-saving and sending me the file! now i can open it... miracle... =)
i am using windows explorer, but somehow just couldn't open the file again after a few weeks... thanks much for this wonderful free software, so that i can re-create tunes for the Lord!

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