Starting MuseScore

• Jun 29, 2015 - 21:36

Hi everyone. I'm still loving this program!!

One thing I notice--it takes a long time to start MuseScore (if it starts at all) after I double-click an .mscz file in Windows Explorer. Every other program opens instantly after the "Open with" dialog is satisfied just once. Is anyone else having the same issue? I'm running Windows 7 Pro, 64-bit, Quad core, with 4 GB RAM.

Even clicking the desktop icon can result in the program not opening or taking a long time to open. I wonder if it has something to do with Bill Gates' pain in the a** User Account Control crap. I really hate his software at the best of times!

Just curious. Thanks.

- Lee


One possible reason for slow startup might be a corrupt score in your recent files lists, or at least a very large score created in a previous version and never re-saved in 2.0, so it has to generate a new thumbnail every time it tries to display. Try clearing the recent files list (File / Open Recent / Clear Recent Files) and see if that helps.

You could also try disabling the Start Center (Edit / Preferences / Show start center), as perhaps something about as firewall or other issue is causing the slowdown.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks gents.

I cleared the Recent list and set the Preferences to Start Empty.
Musescore 2.0 is the only version I have ever downloaded.

It still takes 30 to 45 seconds to open. Almost immediately, the Task Manager says it's running but there's nothing happening--but I think that is probably a normal response. I set my antivirus software to ignore the Program Files (x86)\MuseScore 2 folder.

Any other ideas?

In reply to by jotape1960

Hi jotape,

I turned off the User Account Control (UAC) and restarted my computer. Now, MuseScore loads in under three seconds!

Looks like the problem was yet another Gates Bloatware issue. I'll use it for a day or so and report back if another loading slowdown occurs. Funny, I thought I had originally used the right-click-->Run as Administrator selection. My PC is a simple but powerful home computer only connected to the Internet. I have been warned by the MS paranoids NOT to turn off the UAC, however, perhaps it's all right to do so when you're not part of some large corporate network. I wish MS would stop trying to automate everything for me!! Many airplanes have crashed because of computer automation and the engineers passion to write crappy code...but I digress. Back to my music :)!


- Lee

In reply to by Lee Batchelor

The 'Run as Administrator' just for MuseScore might be the better and save option. That UAC stuff is not just of value to computers in corporate networks, but there to prevent e.g. Viruses and Malware to cause too much damage.
And finally we really should better find out why MuseScore doesn't play well with UAC.

It takes less than 15 seconds on my PC, Windows 7 Enterprise, 64bit, 8GB RAM., independently of 'Run as Administrator' (but I see now that UAC was set to the lowest level, oops)

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Okay, Jojo. I'll turn my UAC back on. I just tried opening Musescore again, and it took a long time. So, right after a computer restart, it seems to load quickly, but after using it a few times, the load time really increases. I'll delete my desktop shortcut, and then go to the Program Files (x86) folder and right click the .exe file and try Run as Administrator again.

- Lee

I'm having the same issue with MS 2.0.1 on Win 7 HP 32-bit, 2GB RAM: up to 30 secs or more for the program to open.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Good to know someone else is having issues.

I only have 4GB RAM, but I'm able to run Cubase 8.0 Artist with no problems. (That includes 10 audio tracks, with most of them using Inserts.)

To be fair, I can live with the slow starting. After it starts, Musescore presents no issues. I'm so delighted to have found a program that does everything I want!

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Here's another clue...

I finished a song, and then closed it (program still open). I was taken back to the blank Musescore screen--similar to the picture I attached earlier. I double-click an .mscz score in Windows Explorer, and 30 seconds later, there are three sessions of MuseScore on my screen. Two of them show a text box, "The previous session quit unexpectedly. Restore session?"

To me, this means the sessions are not shutting down correctly despite the fact that they are not present in the Task Manager. Is there a hanging process somewhere? It may explain why it takes so long to open the program. In other words, I'm asking my computer to open MuseScore, but it's telling me the program is still active somewhere. Hmmm....

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Yet another clue...
I'm trying to edit my own version of the chords_std.xml file. When I try to save it, Notepad++ gives me warning that reads, "Please check if this file is open in another program." The thing is, I closed Musescore. It must be running in background! What else could it be?

Another observation. If I try to open MS as the first program after Windows BootUp, it takes perhaps 30-40 secs to load. But if I open another program first, such as Open Office, MS loads in under 10 secs! Does that give any clues to the problem?

Anyway, 2GB RAM seems to be more than adequate …

In reply to by geetar

Hi geetar,

I experience something similar. After a Windows startup, the first few programs take a while to open. Then again, I have a lot of Bill Gates crapola turned off at Startup. Perhaps this program needs a specific service turned on and I have it set to Manual?? Quite the dilemma!

Gates' has a lot of stuff being started that us home computer users would never use. Again, toooooo much automation on his part. Just give me the bare essentials...that's how they got the Apollo 13 home!!!

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