Drum notation
I see in instructions for drum notation how to select from the drum palette using a mouse. But I don't understand how to get a selection of drums into the drum palette.
When I started a new score, I selected conga as the instrument for a staff. So when I go to the drum palette, that is the only choice that shows. Should I have created more staves to add more drum choices? Or is there another way to have a greater selection of drum choices show up in the drum palette?
I am interested in auditioning a variety of drums for a couple of beats in a song. What is the easiest way when you are not using a keyboard?
Your solution might be offered in this open bug: #6266: Usability: Drum palette empty when starting a multi part score
"The current solution is to click a rest in the snare drum part and then the drum palette is filled in."
If you choose "Drumset 5 lines" you have more percussions available.