Hiding empty staves and displaying different score elements

• Aug 20, 2010 - 11:12

I've got some problem with hiding staves again. Besides the one I have reported some time ago ( see ), I noticed some new disadvantages. The 'hide empty staves' function from Style->Edit Style menu conflicts with even more elements:
1. Tempo marks. Namely, when you create tempo mark it appears on a top staff of a score. When you hide this staff the tempo indications disapears also.
2. Rehearsal marks. By default it's placed above the top staff and the problem is quite the same.
3. All "system text" disappear also after hiding empty staves.
The above mentioned element however export to the individual part correctly.
AFAIK, elements like: tempo and rehearsal marks, system texts and so on, should always be visible above the top staff of the score, even if it's the bottom staff actualy (after hiding all other staves which can be empty in that moment).
I think that score reduction is a crucial feature when working with choir/orchestral scores. But when you are loosing all important information of your score, and you have to double it manually, than you work is really hard and ineffective.
Please consider that issues, because they are really necessary for any serious work.
Best regards,

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