Trill Troubleshoot. Please Help ASAP.

• Jul 10, 2015 - 02:18

Hello! I am having trill trouble:P First off, I can't get a trill line to appear. But that's not my main problem. I read all other forum posts, but yet I'm on MuseScore 2.0 and I'm still getting no trill playback. Is there supposed to be any? Let me know. Thanks!


There is no trill playback in the current release. There will be in 2.0.2 but possibly only when adding from the Articulations & Ornaments palette as opposed to the lines.

The fact that there are two different versions of the symbol mght explain why you are having trouble getting the line to appear. The version on the Articulations & Ornaments palette never has a line. The version on the Lines palette does, but as with most other lines, it only displays if there is sufficient room. You can also double click it and extend the line manually if there isn't room and you don't want to stretch the measure to create room but you want the line to appear anyhow.

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