How to put Tremolos and Grace notes (Handbook Unclear)

• Jul 10, 2015 - 02:39

One issue that I have found while using Musescore is that when I look up how to input certain notes or notation (in this case tremolos and grace notes) in the online handbook, it tells me either to drag the notes from the tremolo palette or the grace notes palette, respectively. It doesn't tell me how to find these palettes and clicking on the word palette in the hand book will just lead me to the palette page.

To clarify, I want to put in tremolos and grace notes, but the hand book just tells me to drag from the tremolo and grace note palette without telling me where those are. It may just be my fault and I am missing or overlooking some important detail, but I am quite confused nonetheless. I would be grateful if some one could help. Thank you.


Welcome! The palettes are on the left by default. If they're missing, you can get them back by going to the View menu and selecting Palette. Click on the name of any palette to open it and access its contents. In this screenshot, I've opened the Grace Notes palette and you can see the grace note options available there. Does this help at all?

I'll check the Handbook documentation and see if it could be made more clear.
Palettes on left.png

View the image in full size:

Also, by default you see only a "Basic" set of palettes. "Grace Notes" are there - at the very top - but tromolos are not. To see the rest of the palettes, you need to switch to the "Advanced" worksapce using the control at the bottom of the palettes window.

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