musescore 2 crashes after paste operation

• Jul 10, 2015 - 18:39

my musescore version (2) always crashes when I paste more than 15 measures from another opened score.

I did the following:
- download the open goldberg score (as .mscz)
- make a lot of modification to variation 20 (for my purposes)
- printing from an exported .pdf is fine so far.

I would like to extract variation 20 as a standalone score.

I did not manage to cut out the pieces before No 20 and after No 20

Then I tried the following:

- open a new score (with the settings from the original (piano score, measure, key etc)
- copy the notes of No 20 in quantities of a few measures from the original No 20 and paste them into the new score.
- If copy again after 15 measures, musescore consistently crashes.

Can anyone help me?

Thanks in advance
Peter Schwalm


As far as I know, the "Open Goldberg" score was created with a *very* early experimental build of what would eventually - years later! - become 2.0. I guess it's not terribly surprising to me that it might give fits to the current code. You might be better off downlaoding it as MusicXML and importing it. You lsoe a lot of formatting details, but it seems like you won't care about that.

Chances are, crashes when working with that version Open Goldberg will unfortunately by "just the way it is"; we don't normally support working with scores created by earlier experimental builds. Of course, it would be nice if Open Goldberg could be updated so it *does* work, so hopefully thast happens sometime.

That said, I didn't have any problems copying and pasting the 32 bars of variation 20 to a new score using a current build. Can you give more precise steps to reproduce the problem?

Anyhow, you shouldn't see crashes using a score created in a supported build. if you do, please post the score you are having problems with and, again, precise steps to reproduce the problem.

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