Stretch/Shrink Measures

• Jul 11, 2015 - 20:25

It seams there has been put in place a threshold for this feature. I use to be able to select a measure(s) and select Shift { or } to edit the width of a measure. What ever has happened with this change has made a mess of all the scores I created before this change. Is there a way to edit this "threshold"? Perhaps I'm missing something here.



The only threshold is that it can't be negavtie, which used to wreak havoc on people's score. Assuming you weren't trying to use negative stretch - which usually produced bad results that made scores look corrupt - nothing should have changed. If you are seeing an issue, please post the specific score you are having problems with and precise steps to reproduce the problem.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

As you might remember, I do all the scoring for my jazz band. I try my best to "cram" as much as I can on one page to make it easier going from on tune to the other. Below is an image of a song made with an earlier build and a file the way it looks now when opened. The only way I can get the same appearance is to change the scaling. Of course everything is smaller. Not to my liking.

Also, if I rearrange the current file the rehearsal marks and codas are scattered all over the score instead of being at the beginning or end of the staff.

My jazz lead sheet is preset at four measures per system. As I would add my notes it might change to three. AlI had to do was select a measure(s), apply Shift { and I could get my four measures back, in most cases. I can no longer apply this method. Perhaps I'm not doing this right. Enlighten me.

Just a thought. Perhaps you could add a feature "Lock Line Breaks".

Attachment Size
Moondance(Rhythm-Vocal).pdf 78.31 KB
Moondance2.mscz 35.5 KB

In reply to by rwmol

First,when I opened your score in a current build, I was able to get it back to four measures per line with two presses of "{". So there change to prevent negative stretch is not the issue here. I think it was more likely the change to a new font rendering system that happened very soon after the release of 2.0.1. Previously, scores would look different on each operating system - your score would likely have had the same issue just opening on Windows versus Mac versus Linux. The new font rendering system is more consistent across operating systems, but it does mean occasionally something that was just on the edge of either fitting or not fitting won't fit any more, same as in the mvoe from 1.3 to 2.0 (nd the reverse too - some things that didn't fit before might fit now).

Second, there are other ways to fit more music on a page than reducing the overall scaling. First, "stretch" is just a relative factor that is applied on top of the setting Style / General / Measure / Spacing. Your score is set to 1.425, which is much larger than the default of 1.200 (the scale is kind of logarithmic, so that's a bigger difference than it looks. Simply changing this back to its default of 1.2 would also have worked.

Another factor is the setting "Minimum note distance" in this same dialog. Yours is set to the default, but reducing it a little would help in very crowded cases like this. Also, the main thing getting in your way are the lyrics. Reducing the font size for them a tiny bit could also help.

Finally there *is* a "lock line breaks" command, in Edit / Tools / Add/Remove Line Breaks. But it doesn't do what you would want here - all it does is adding line breaks to lines thast don't have them. It doesn't guarantee any future version of MuseScore will apply the exact same spacing rules and be able to fit as much music on each line.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks Marc. That information was exactly what I needed.

I found the issue when I applied Shift {. I was selecting just a couple of measures. Selecting all 4 corrected the issue. I changed my Saved Style Measure spacing to 1.2 and that worked well. Again thanks.

I don't see a command "lock Line Breaks". Like you said, "Add Line Breaks __ Measures" doesn't seem to "Lock" the line breaks, just adds them.

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