Incomplete bar lines in Guitar duet TAB staff

• Jul 14, 2015 - 14:39

Using the new score wizard set up a classical guitar staff, select the staff and use Add to create an associated (but not linked) simple TAB staff. Set to 12/8 time, key of Em, then click finish. Now press "I" to get back to the score set up. Add another classical guitar, select the staff, add an associated (but not linked) TAB line. Click OK.

You will see that the bar lines on the second TAB staff are incomplete.

(I'm not sure if key sig or time sig is releveant but I've included them anyway because those are the conditions under which I found the bug).


I believe this is another manifestation of #41786: Bar lines too short in tablature after amending linked (or not) staves. , which as it happens I am working on right now. The good news is, I cannot currently reproduce it, which hopefully means my fix works and not that I didn't follow the instructions to reproduce properly :-)

It's kind of a big fix with lots of parts to it, so I don't know that it will make it for 2.0.2. But this much at least is easy to workaround, I think - just extend the barline manual, and they should all snap into place.

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