New Key Signature Not Recognized??

• Jul 15, 2015 - 15:50

So I'm transcribing this song that has several key changes, the first of them being Eb major going to F major. When I was finished the part of the song in Eb major, I went and I changed the key to F major, but even though both keys have a Bb in the key signature, and clearly the new key is F major, every single B I put in is going in as a B natural, and I shouldn't have to flatten the B every time if it's already in the key signature. Can someone give me some advice as to if I've done something wrong, as the new key of F major isn't even being recognized?

Also, I'm trying to add arpeggios/glissandi in my score, and all instructions just say to drag them in from the master pallate, which I've tried over and over again, but it doesn't work. Nothing happens. Any advice for this one? Thanks to anyone who can help me.


Which version of MuseScore you using?

For arpeggios, glissando, select a note then double click in the palette. You can use drag and drop but you need to be precise when you drop. The notehead should change color before you drop.

Regarding the key signature, your version of MuseScore would help. Also you can attached your file to a comment so we can take a look.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Yes, that helped for the arpeggios, thanks! I believe I am using the newest version so it shouldn't be an issue. For some reason the key signature wasn't working yesterday, but when I went back and did the same thing today, it worked! Thanks for your help.

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