(°ㅂ°╬) Grace notes won't play, yet one will?!

• Jul 17, 2015 - 00:17

OKAY, It's bugging me, really. Please head over to my page, and select the score "Fairy Tail Main Theme by Yasuharu Takanashi". Near measure 41 there are a group of "grace notes" that I placed into the score. THEY WONT PLAY, sirs. But the last grace note in measure 54 will play. What am I doing wrong/right?!


Edit: I put the Score as an attachment.

Attachment Size
Fairy Tail Main Theme BLUE.mscz 35.91 KB


"Grace notes after" are not supported for playback, only regular grace notes.

BTW, in the future, it's easier if you attach your score here using the "File attachment" link right below where you type your post. Or at least provide a direct link to your score on musescore.com. Makes it a lot easier to help.

In reply to by Factory Head

Sorry for not being more clear.

If you look at the Grace Notes palette, you will see they fall into two categories. The first five icons on the palette will add a grace note *before* the selected note; the last three icons add one *after* the selected note. Only the first gorup affect playback.

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