Celtic / Folk Music

• Sep 1, 2010 - 10:19

Does anyone know, if it is possible to compose Celtic / Folk music found in Ireland and other European era? If it is not yet possible, will MuseScore be making such instrument plug-ins for the instruments?

The reason I am asking, is I am looking to compose music of such genre for some projects I'm currently working on.

Thanks in advance for any help.


I don't see why it wouldn't be possible. What are the special needs for this kind of music?
You can try MuseScore yourself btw, it's free ;)

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

not sure really, I don't have much in depth information about the types of things used in the music.

I'm a proud user of MS. I use the software to compose music to go behind my poems I record myself reading. I'm looking to do a Celtic theme poetry collection and I'd like to get some of the Celtic instrumental music for it.

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