midi input

• Sep 14, 2010 - 07:49


I'm having trouble using the midi input functionality. I can input notes via midi, but the display lags horribly. In fact I can't see any notes until after I leave the note input mode. That is, I select the bar, then note input mode (default rhythmic value), then play a sequence of notes. At this point, the display shows nothing. If I leave note input mode, I see my notes, which of course is a very unintuitive UI. What could be wrong with my setup? Thanks



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MuseScore 0.9.6 rev 2613. OS: Ubuntu Studio 10.04 LTS. My MIDI controller is an M-Audio Axiom49 with USB-MIDI and the soundcard is an M-Audio FastTrack interface.

I also notice that there is something messed up with the playback. When the JACK audio server is running, MuseScore can't playback. Annoyingly, edit/preferences/i-o and enabling JACK is too buggy to function. If I try to set this option while JACK is running, MuseScore freezes and I have to kill it. If I set this option before JACK is started, MuseScore 'forgets' that it has been set. Even more annoying is that I can't get the Axiom MIDI controller to playback without JACK, so the only way I can use MuseScore is both 'blind' and 'deaf'.

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