• Aug 5, 2015 - 12:45

I'm having problems inputting a drum groove. I get as far as shown in the attachment. I then need to continue with a snare sixteenth and kick drum eighth beamed together. Then an eighth note rest under the fourth beat followed by an eighth on the snare. However the software won't seem to let me enter any more notes in the second voice (which I am using for kick drum and snare). It's as if that bar is full for that voice, which it is not. Any ideas please? Thanks.

Attachment Size
Drum Groove (1 of 1).jpg 35.83 KB


It's usually easier to help if you post an actual score rather than just a picture. However, I can guess what might have happened. You may have deleted the rests that would normally appear after entering that note in voice 2, thus creating a "hole" that is difficult to fill.

It's kind of an ongoing issue how to best deal with these holes. One clever way to return the rests is to exchange voices 1-2 (Edit / Voices) twice. The rests appear when that part is moved to voice 1 because vocie 1 is not allowed to have holes, then the rests remain when you switch back. Another technique that would have worked here is to select the bass drum note on beat 3 and press 6 to turn it into a half note (or click the half note icon). Then when you turn it back into a sixteenth, the rests will be added back for you.

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