remove flats and sharps from clef or change key to open/atonal (solved)

• Aug 15, 2015 - 08:24


How can i remove the sharps and flats from the clef and show them on the notes without changing key?
So actual i want to change the key to atonal.
and how can i find posts i did before in this forum?


I have to open the master palette (shift + k), because the Atonal key isn't in the standard palette.


Actually, it *is* in the standard palette, if you are in the Advanced workspace rather than Basic. See the control at the bottom of the palette. I suspect you'll want to change to Advanced and leave it there.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I recently added a part for Horn in F to a song score. It automatically put the key sig in Bb and wouldn't let me, or at least I couldn't, remove/delete the key sig. However, once I created a horn part, I changed the key sig to C major and the accidentals automatically appeared in the part. When I opened the full score, the horn stave was in C and the accidentals were there too.

In reply to by Scarpia

You can delete key signatures by selecting and pressing Delete. However, what this actually does is replace the key signature with C major, concert key, so for transposing instruments, you'll get whatever C major translates into (G in this case). You can also simply replace a key signature with whatever you want. If you want C major for the horn, that's F concert, so simply add F major to your score, and the horn part will show no key signature.

In reply to by Scarpia

Feel free to post the specific score you are having problems with and precise step by step instructions to reproduce the problem. As I said, it should replace the current key signature with C major concert, which will have one sharp for F horn. It works exactly as expected for me. But without seeing your particular score and a precise description of what you are doing, it is hard to say why you might be seeing something different. Also say what OS your are on and what version of MuseScore you are using (current is 2.0.2).

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