Glissando + Tremolo = ???

• Jan 9, 2025 - 22:44

Okay, so I've been working on transcribing some sheet music into musescore 3 and encountered the below notes to add.

I used the straight glissando and appropriate tremolo, and tried to playback. And it seems that the tremolo completely overrides the glissando.

Anyone got an idea on how to circumvent this?

Attachment Size
trem and glis.png 8.33 KB


Two definitions from Wikipedia (my emphasis):

In music, tremolo, or tremolando, is a trembling effect. There are multiple types of tremolo: a rapid repetition of a note, an alternation between two different notes, or a variation in volume.

In music, a glissando is a glide from one pitch to another. In some contexts, it is equivalent to portamento, which is a continuous, seamless glide between notes. In other contexts, it refers to discrete, stepped glides across notes, such as on a piano.

I'm not a professional musician, but don't these definitions suggest that there's a conflict in what your trying to do? You can't achieve both effects simultaneously:
A tremolo is either repeating a single note or alternating between two different notes.
A glissando is moving in one direction only, either as a seamless glide or in steps.

In reply to by DanielR

I get where you are coming from but I think it depends. If you listen to certain orchestral songs. Especially video game music like dark souls and elden ring, they achieve this effect of glissando tremolo with strings. It is possible with strings I think, but it probably wouldn't with winds or brass.

If you want to retain the tremolo as a printed indication for the performer, you could disable each tremolo's Play property to allow the glissando effect to be heard during playback.

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