How to extend a tie / crescendo to a staff on a new set of staffs/the "next line"

• Oct 3, 2010 - 02:36

I am using Musecore on Windows XP with a Roland Edirol PCR-500 Midi controller.

I have created two pages of piano music by entering notes from a score.
Now I am annotating the music with slurs and crescendo marks.

I would like to make a slur from the second last eight note in bar 6 and take it to the half note at the end of bar 8. When I add the slur it draws a line directly but it needs to go to the far right then continue on the left hand side of bar 7.

How can I draw these slurs or crescendos?


Attachment Size
Pastorale.mscz 4.26 KB


Hi Charles,
in your score there are three slurs, but I think you didn't correctly handle these slurs after insertion: to extend the duration of the slur you can't use the mouse, but you have to use the shortcut "Shift + Right" (see Slur ). So a slur can span several systems and pages.
Alternatively, to quickly insert a slur spanning several notes, select all the notes (click on the first note and "Shift + click" on the last note) and then press "S" (see also New features in MuseScore 0.9.6 , section "Ease of use").
You can always change the contour of the slur to achieve a more pleasing appearance according to the result you want (see Slur , section "Adjustments").
Similar steps for hairping (see the manual ).
A tip: at the last measure you can reverse the direction of the tie using the shortcut "X".
Sorry for my bad English

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