MusicXml export of augmented 11th

• Aug 26, 2015 - 08:04

I need to see if this is a correct export or a little bug.

I enter a C+11 chord in the score and, when exporting it to MusicXml the following nodes are created :

<harmony print-frame="no">
	<kind text="7" use-symbols="yes">augmented-seventh</kind>

What I do not understand is why the text attribute of the kind node has only 7 and the text content stipulates augmented-seventh

Shouldn't the text attribute stipulate +7 or even #7 ?


This seems to be one of those chords that MusicXML just doesn't support well. After all, the "7" is a lie too - there is no 7 in the chord symbol anywhere. So there is no way to correctly capture that both semantically and syntactically, short of putting the entire chord symbol into the kind text and setting everything to off, which is a lie too, if a more convenient one.

In general, I just don't think you should be relying on the text attributes the way you are - you should bite the bullet and write your own algoirthm for reconstructing and appropriate chord symbol directly from the semantic representation.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thank you for your remarks on this one.

I am indeed looking at how to reconstruct the chord symbol from the "semantic" representation, ie the specified degrees. But this will be a bit long as I am close to releasing.

My biggest problem with doing this is, is finding an accurate source for chord spellings.
In this case, if I have understood you correctly, whilst the chord symbol does not have a "7" displayed, it is actually in the chord spelling. Which would imply that there should be a degree node for the 7th ?

I found this here.

Do you agree with this ?

In reply to by Simon Giddings

No, I do not think there should be a deegree node for the seventh in an augmented seventh any more than there should be in a dominant seventh. It's already implied by the "kind". There is just an inherent disconnect in the fact that the most logical "kind" does not fit the spelling. There should probably be augmented-ninth, augmented-eleventh, and augmented-thirteenth as well, or augmented-seventh should be deprecated and we should be advised to use triads (in which case the seventh would indeed be a separate degree).

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