Parts dialog box hidden
When I select File -> Parts I see on the Windows 7 status bar that the dialog box has opened but it's hidden behind the main Musescore window. Tried all sorts but can't find a way to get to it. A minor annoyance - I adore Musescore, thank-you!
GIT commit: f51dc11
Are you sure it's *behind* the window? Seems more likely it has moved offscreen. You should be able to set things back to normal by following the instructions under "Revert to factory settings" in the Handbook.
If that does not fix the problem, please ask for further assistance in the Support forum (Help / Ask for Help from within MuseScore).
Moved offscreen perhaps. But I can't get to it! (Computer is Win 7 64-bit with dual screens). -F does not work for me, I get "C:\Program Files (x86}...." refers to a location that is unavailable. Uninstalled/restarted/reinstalled, same issue. Will ask for help in the Support Forum. Thanks for trying!
are you sure you typed in the directory for musescore correctly? I already see you have a "}" in "C:\Program Files (x86}...." when that should be a ")". I suggest for cd'ing into the directory. Or copy and paste the complete binary path for musescore instead of possibly making typos when typing.
Hi again Marc. Found and edited the musescore2.ini file; under [PartEditor] I changed pos=@Point(1532 -2653) to pos=@Point(10 10), now dialog box is visible again. Thanks for the clues!
Issue is resolved after .ini edit. But no I did not mistype path (except in my reply to you!). I tried browsing to it, copy/pasting it, quotes/no quotes etc. before concluding that the -F parameter did not work.
Bizarre that the -F parameter didn't work. The error "refers to a location that is unavailable" still leads me to think that you did not specify a path correctly. I'd like to figure out why -F is not working for you, since if it is not working, the there might be a bug.
The message shows that MuseScore never actually ran, presumably it was either installed into a different folder or somehow the path was entered incorrectly. Had it run, -F definitely would have worked, but it never got the chance. Still, editing the INI file by hand is even better, because then you don't lose any other settings.