Musescore 2: Limited Bass Playback

• Aug 31, 2015 - 02:13

I'm adding a bass guitar part to a piece using the latest version of Musescore. It works fine except there is no play back on anything around a low Ab or below. I did transfer the piece over from a .xml file but everything else transferred just fine. Any suggestions?


My guess is that your speakers are not capable of playing these low frequencies.

You can check this if you have access to the frequency response data for your speakers.

The note I presume you are talking about (low A flat is not accurate enough terminology) is MIDI note #32 or G#1 in standard pitch notation.

Your speakers would need to have a low frequency response of 50Hz to be able to play this note, and to be able to play the full range of the 4 string bass it would need a low end frequency response of 40Hz.

Most computer speakers, particularly laptops, just don't have a low end frequency response to cope with these low frequencies.

In order to hear them you need to route your audio output to an external sound system with a sub-woofer - there are many of these around for a reasonable financial outlay.

The alternative is to use headphones, most of which have a better low end frequency response than the typical computer speaker, but again, if they're too cheap you will not be getting the full frequency range.

Constantly using headphones is not considered good practice in sound-engineering circles - firstly because your ears become tired too quickly while using them, and secondly because you are not getting a true aural picture of the sound. Sound engineers only use headphones a) when it is essential that there is no monitor leakage into the microphones, and b) when trying to poinpoint a particular part of the mix.

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