empty percussion palette

• Oct 14, 2010 - 21:15

Working undefr Ubuntu 9.04
I created (under mscore0.9.5 presumably), simple percussion scores to be used as metronom.
Now under 0.9.6 the scores are empty (they were saved as models), and the percussion palette is empty also.

In preferences there is a reference to :/data/instruments.xml and the only such file is in /usr/share/mscore/templates/
I tried to use this last indication but with no success.
The instruments.xml file includes the requested percussion instruments (bongos high and low), and the staff is correctely labelled as bongos.

I would be pleased to hear these bongos again......

thanks for any help


I too am having trouble with percussion. Just downloaded for Windows. It will not allow me to place notes on ANY un-pitched percussion instrument I've tried so far, bongos included. I went through adding un-pitched percussion instruments one after another and none of them have worked.

The staves appear, the instrument names appear, the time signature appears, and measures are filled with rests like you would expect. But you simply cannot place anything within the measures. Other instruments and pitched percussion work just fine, but I go to work on a base drum or something and I can't do anything. Drum pallet has nothing in it, but I don't recall what was supposed to be in there, so...

OS: Vista SP1

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