How to separate note values

• Oct 16, 2010 - 09:05

I am trying to figure out how to separate the note values within a measure on the same staff; i.e. the lower notes are eighth notes and the upper note is a sustained half or whole note. By the way, I am really enjoying this program and look forward to learning more about how to use it as I go.

When adding voices I noticed that it does not give an option for two voices to share a staff (Sop/Alto and Tenor/Bass). I don't want to take up so much room on my music and would like them to share two staffs rather than a four (one for each voice). Of course, when they share a staff the issue mentioned above comes into play.


I posted earlier about note values but got no responses. Maybe I didn't explain it well enough.

I want one voice to sustain a note with a half or whole note while there are moving eighth notes below it on the same staff. How can I do this?

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