Copy and paste MuseScore 2.02 Win 7

• Sep 5, 2015 - 19:02

With a 4 instr score, with the fourth staff drums, paste fails to copy the drum beat in the selection set.


In order to help, we would need you to post the specific score you are having problems with and precise step by step instructions to reproduce the problem.

In reply to by rdpayne

Sorry, I forgot the instructions.

Append enough, or more than enough new measures.
In the new measures, put in all the repeat barlines, voltas, and rehearsal marks, and line breaks.
Select a group of at least 12 (I guess) measures that includes the last measure before the append,
type ctlC,
In the first appended measure select the first rest in the top staff and type ctlV


In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Looking at the score I sent you, this may be a mistake on my part. I thought I had had this problem with several scores, but now I doubt myself. Please close this, if I think I notice it again, I will first check carefully, and then if necessary, post a new one.

Sorry for the trouble, this software is very much better and faster than what I used to use, I really like it.

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