PDF Converter Problems

• Sep 7, 2015 - 23:52

Hi, I'm trying to correct mistakes made by the PDF Converter on your website. I've figured out how to quickly fix some mistakes on single voice scores, but some are really getting messed up. The time signatures are wrong, and I'm getting notes that are grouped with a notation that I am not familiar with (in various measures a 6 is shown either above or below the staff, sometimes with a line). I've attached the pdf and the MuseScore file. Can I correct the time signature and get ride of the groupings?

Attachment Size
Willie_Colemans.mscz 14.74 KB
Willie Coleman's.pdf 14.68 KB


The original time signature on the PDF is wrong. It should probably be 6/8. The converter has tried to reconcile this and evidently decided that 2/4 rather than 4/4 best fits the number of beats. This still isn't accurate and so it has split them into sextuplets (six beats in the space of 4, quavers in this case). It has further compounded things by having some 3/4 measures with six regular quavers.

Given a 4/4 time signature and this pattern of notes there is no "correct" conversion really and the converter fails. GIGO.

In reply to by underquark

Sorry about that. I have a few PDFs that have errors. That is one of them, and I didn't notice. I had other conversions with similar problems that I was trying to correct, and this happened to be the last that I tried, so I attached it. I should add that I had reasonable luck with the first four conversions I tried. I had a few measures with an extra beat, and a small number of melody notes in the second voice, but those are easy to fix. I've attached something for which I think the PDF is correct giving the errors that I mentioned. In this case the time signature is missing, and I still have sextuplets showing up.

And regarding the 6/8 tune where the PDF has the incorrect time signature, should I be able to fix it in MuseScore, or is it easier just to reenter it? I have my iPad acting as a wireless piano MIDI, so I can play the tune without too much difficulty. But I'd like to figure out the converter for tunes that I do not know. I don't play keyboard, so the process is somewhat slow.

Thanks for your help. I use a lot of software applications, but this one is organized a lot differently than what I am used too.

Attachment Size
sally gardens.pdf 15.31 KB
Sally Gardens.mscz 14.83 KB

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