More than one track per page

• Oct 30, 2010 - 00:11

I have written a page with four reels on it and want to put the name of each reel above each tune. I have done this by entering a sub title and spacing the names down the page with para and space to get them above each tune but they seem to keep moving up and down the page each time I load the file and I have to adjust them.
Is there a way to do this I am not spotting?
file of the page attatched.

Attachment Size
Set of reels.mscz 4.66 KB


I would have used system text for this purpose. Click to select the first note of a piece, then from the main menu choose Create > Text > System Text.

In reply to by David Bolton

Thanks again David. That worked for me.
What is the difference between system text and Stave text?
Pity there is not a little more help in the handbook, such as a description of each of the text types, what they are for, and how they can be changed with the set style command.

Like you, I am trying to notate a number of traditional tunes (reels etc) and can´t work out how to do it. If you start the second tune, fudge the title with system text (which doesn´t leave much room to include chord names ..) you then seem to be stuck with a the global key signature, making it hard to continue.

My goal is to cheaply produce a tunebook I can use in a music session. Any advice on this would be very welcome.

In reply to by David Bolton

Thanks David that´s very helpful. I have created space between the staves containing different tunes however I haven´t been able to create a new key signature properly. When I drag the the new key signature to the stave for a new tune (separated by a horizontal frame from the previous tune) the new key signature simultaneously appears both on the new stave and at the very end of the previous tune. The incorrect key signature cannot be cut or deleted without simultaneously deleting the correct one. Have I missed something in the stages to creating a new key signature?

In reply to by manxdavey

The key signature shown at the end of the previous system is the "courtesy key signature" David was referring to; 1.0 is the first version that allows you to hide it. So make sure you have that installed. Then, right click the key signature and you'll see a menu that allows you to hide the courtesy signature.

I, too, am doing a project that requires several tunes per page: song sheets for my elementary instrumental music students. While reading this thread I figured out how to add a vertical frame and put in another title. Titles want to anchor to the top of the page in the same, centered location but once created can be dragged to the new spot. I'm okay with that. I am not, however, having success displaying the time signature on the second tune. Both tunes are in 2/4. I searched for courtesy time signature but not finding what I need.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Great workaround! I was able to add the measure and re-combobulate the frame and new title and add the decoy time signature but when I right-click the measure and go to measure properties the visible box is checked and grayed out. I cannot deselect it. Probably just missing some setting somewhere.

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