Linking two Tab staves cuts playback
Nightly 9878ef4/Windows7
1) New "Tablature guitar" template -> Finish
2) "I" -> add a linked staff: Tab always, type 6-str. simple (eg) -> Ok
3) Input some notes in the first measure -> Hit "Rewind to start position" in the toolbar
4) Start playback
Result: no sound.
( Test file: file test.mscz )
Works if one of the Tab staves is changed into a standard staff, or if the two Tab staves are not linked.
This issue appears on June 22.
- This Nightly works : 799dd87
- Not this one (no sound): 48eb831
Other related commit?…
I think the latter. Looks like we are trying to identify one of the linked staves as "primary" so we can be sure to only play that one, and are wanting to prefer a standard staff so that we can handle ornaments etc better, but are not settling for a tab staff if we fail to find a standard staff.