Midi Imput

• Sep 15, 2015 - 14:32

The midi input is not working with a touch screen laptop, if the touch screen is disabled the midi input works


Just curious, now that touch screens are becoming popular...

1. Is your midi input controller attached to the laptop via usb?

2. When you enable the touch screen, will a usb attached QWERTY keyboard still function?

3. What make of laptop, what OS?


In reply to by Jm6stringer

Thank you for the reply.

It is a Linx tablet Pc with a full version of windows 10 on it, I was unable to find the cause but after restarting MuseScore and unplugging and plugging the keyboard back in it started working and I have had no further problem. Keyboard is an AKAI LPK25 connected via usb. The keyboard would play sound but nothing happened when note input was on until a note was placed on the stave. MuseScore version 2.02. I now don't believe the touch screen had anything to do with the problem.

Korg Microkey 37 works fine on MS 2/Windows 10.
Does'nt recognize on Ubuntu 15.10. I'm running alternately Pulseaudio and JACK2, but I'm not able to get it work.
Thank you.

In reply to by zabalza.asier

If it works in Windows then that suggests there is no driver for Ubuntu 15.10.

I would try Ubuntu Studio rather than plain vanilla Ubuntu.

The Ubuntu Studio distro is specifically designed for those working in music and media and has drivers and applications missing from the main Ubuntu installation.

Have you reported this on the Ubuntu forums?

Writing drivers is beyond the scope of the MuseScore team.

In reply to by ChurchOrganist

Thank you, ChurchOrganist.
The last time I tried to install Musescore 2 on Ubuntu Studio (I know it's supossed to be preinstalled), I didn't achieve it.
The MIDI controller works on ubuntu, I can play it with Qsynth. I think it isn't drivers' issue. The problem comes when I connect it via JACK to musescore. Any guide or thread explaining how connect musescore with JACK?
Thank you!

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