What's wrong with this?

• Nov 4, 2010 - 22:00

Hello, I'm new here so try not to give me too much of a hard time.. :)

Only joking of course. Here's my question. Why was it that my song came out looking like this after I finished setting it up?

Also, I'd hate to sound stupid but how do I make a note on a bass drum line? Whenever I click it just doesn't do anything.

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screenshot.png 97.44 KB


If what is puzzling you is that the title is on page and the music in another, there is nothing wrong; simply, title and music do not fit in the same page.

To have them fit, you have to:

1) reduce the scale factor (menu "Layout | Page settings | Scaling"); this will proportionally reduce everything in the music.


2) reduce the distance between the various staves with menu "Style | Edit general style | Page | Staff distance"; this will 'clutter' a little the staves keeping the size of all other music elements.

About drums, I cannot say: no experience with percussions.


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