Crescendo playback? (I know this was brought up before, but...)

• Nov 7, 2010 - 01:05

Hello. I searched crescendo playback in MuseScore on the forums and I had found an older thread, but there were not really any answers to it. Do any of the active developers here have any plans of implementation of this on the next stable release? Also, I want to know if there are nightly builds of unstable versions available and if these contain crescendo playback.

Please help me in my fit of curiosity.


In the current stable version, crescendo does not sound out opf the box but you can change the velocity of notes one by one by right clicking -> Note properties -> Velocity -> User and set a value.

For the next major release, crescendo has been implemented. Nightly builds are available at Keep in mind that they are unstable and for testing purpose only. Moreover a file created with a nightly will not work in the current stable version and may not work with one of the next nightly.

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