Switching clefs - strange key signature

• Sep 25, 2015 - 03:00

In mm.27-30, 43-45, m.48 I want to use a bass clef but when I try to switch back to bass, a strange key signature appears instead of Bb and the pitches are altered.
Any advice? (Attached)

Thanks, Sandy

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Merry Rebbe Elie.mscz 34.73 KB


In reply to by spojaw

If you go to menu item: Edit -> Workspaces -> and select 'Basic', you will see that the Clefs palette is simplified. All those 'lookalike' clefs are not present.

Alternatively, if you find the 'Basic' workspace too sparse, and the 'Advanced' workspace over populated with irrelevant elements, you can customize your own workspace with palettes containing your very own important items.


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