Batch convert bugs on OS X

• Sep 25, 2015 - 19:58


I've been trying numerous methods to batch convert files on OS X. I was able to install and run the Batch Convert plugin, but it always gets stuck after converting just one file. MuseScore 2.0.2 doesn't crash, but the plugin does nothing (even after waiting for an hour) and I can only click "Abort" to stop the plugin.

I also had several problems with running mscore on the command line. I wrote a bash script that should work, but trying to launch mscore from the command line always results in this error:

> This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "cocoa".

Any ideas? Many thanks in advance for any assistance.


I think I just figured something out: If I launch mscore from directly within the app bundle, MuseScore loads and doesn't return the Qt/cocoa error. I assume this means mscore looks for dependencies within the app bundle. (I had created an alias that I moved to a $PATH folder.)

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