Invisible Pedal

• Sep 27, 2015 - 00:00

I was making a piano arrangement for a song that included pedal at parts. When I placed one of the notes, a couple of the pedal markings appeared above the measures at a longer length than all the others. In case they were pedals that were already there (all the previous pedal marks were there), I moved them to an area outside the page, whence they disappeared. Later, I copy/pasted a measure that was supposed to be staccato, but when I played it, it sounded as though there was a sustain pedal marking underneath the measure. I clicked around, but could not find any pedal marking to remove. Without fixing, that measure will sound very out of place with the music.


Attaching the score to your post is usually the best way to get relevant support targeted directly to the problem.
Having said that...

If your score was being created from scratch, pedal markings don't simply "appear" above the measures - nor are any "already there". They are placed into the score by way of the lines palette.
So, perhaps your score was imported into MuseScore from an existing file?
In that case, elements such as lines (e.g.sustain pedal) are anchored to specific parts of the score. To delete, you must select by clicking (turns blue), then press the Delete key. Simply dragging off the page does not delete. It just makes the score layout wacky.



In reply to by Jm6stringer

This is quite the helpful comment. if you like, here is the score.
The score is not imported. I had correctly placed all the pedal markings in by dragging them out of the palette and into their proper space. However, if you listen to measure 37, it sounds as though there is a sustain pedal there. I clicked around to find a pedal to delete, but found none. I didn't delete them in case they were pedals I had previously put into the score. I just wanted them out of my way. I have now made the mistake of dragging them both off the page, and now I can neither find nor remove them. The best I could do is delete the measure (which I did immediately after uploading the score, however I would still like you to see this), but if it happens again, I will not drag them off the screen and instead find which measure they are attached to, and then delete of move them if necessary.
Thank you,
~Sky Pilot

In reply to by [DELETED] 3294941

You are correct about measure 37, where the sustain actually sounds from 37 then halfway into 38.

If you look below the bass clef, at measure 53. There is a pedal line dragged way out of position. When you double click on this line, it will expose the 'handles' together with a dotted line showing the pedal marking's anchor position. Clicking on each of the outer 'handles' will show where the beginning and end of the line is anchored. It definitely was dragged out of position!

Also, measures 24 & 25 need some cleanup of extraneous pedal markings.


Also, if you have accidentally (or delibrately) dragged a pedl line or other marking out of positionl you can reset it by clicking it opr the measure to which it is attached and pressing Ctrl+R.

Here's something you can try:
1. Open your score. (Showtie...)
2. Right click on any pedal marking; and, in the menu that appears, choose 'Select', then click on "All Similar Elements" to highlight all the pedal markings.
3. With all the pedal markings now selected, hold down the 'Ctrl' key and press 'R' - the pedal markings will jump to their default positions. Pretty neat!
4. Hold down the 'Ctrl' key and press 'Z' to reverse the Ctrl+R of step 3 above. (You can actually keep toggling between Ctrl+R and Ctrl+Z and, by watching the score, locate any errant pedal markings.)

This is why posting the score is a good idea.
Also, you can attach your score directly to a forum thread without the need to link to Use 'File attachments'. See:

Regards, and welcome aboard.

In reply to by Jm6stringer

This does not work. Normally it should, but when I tried it, all the pedals went up into the middle of the grand staff. As for the pedals near measures 24 and 25, they do not appear when I open the score in Musescore, therefore meaning I cannot remove them. Also, I was able to fix the pedal problem in measure 37 by deleting the measure and inserting another. I did this, as well as many other things, after I uploaded the score.
Thank you!

Also, I have uploaded the full version to the website, and I downloaded Musescore 2, which is by far much less glitchy and I can see all the pedaling screw-ups the first Musescore wouldn't let me see. I plan to fix all this and re-upload the score. Thanks!

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