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• Sep 27, 2015 - 11:12

Just an idea, I wonder if it would be possible to add the soundfont used to compile the score



There can be more than one soundfont. The soundfont names are stored in the file if the user pressed Save to Score in the Synthesizer. And you can find out which soundfonts are used, if you press Load from Score (and you have the soundfonts installed...)

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

What's happen when we don't have installed the specific soundfont file in the machine where we play the piece?

Wouldn't it be possible to "include" the soundfont file(s) used into the piece? (I know the fact that the result file would be huge, in comparison with the standard type).

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I like the idea of storing just the particular sound within the file, though I believe it is not practial in the long term:

  • Some high quality sounds are huge, eg. multisampled pianos with hundreds of megabytes or even way over one gigabyte.
  • It would imply huge redundacy because often used high quality sounds would be stored in multiple score files, bloating used disk space and also memory consumption on opening some of those files in multiple tabs simultaneously.


In reply to by EsDur

My idea, as so often expressed hurt, was to have only the name of the soundfonts used. Incidentally as the platform (OS) that is already present, and I can see, though I use a different one on my pc. But thank you to all for your comments.

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